
Fire in the belly. Passion.
Creativity. Energy.

Fire is warm, comforting, purifying and protecting.
It is strength and life-force.

Fire can be a force to be reckoned with, wild and destructive, and also a source of rebirth in nature.

Fire relates to our life. It’s what we want to create for ourselves with respect to our health and our wealth; it’s what we want to create for our family and friends and it’s what we are passionate about in our lives.

= Personal Relationships

Health. Wealth. Passion.

  • Health.

    It’s often said that people create their wealth at the expense of their health, and then they need to spend their wealth to regain their health.

    We espouse the reverse: in order to create wealth, we start with health because when the constitution of our body flourishes we have the energy and drive to create our reality.

    There are many different perspectives on health and we are here to help connect people with their current and future needs.  As we mature our needs change, and they change differently for men and women. There are also many aspects and many varied opinions as to the best approach.

    We encourage all our clients to seek integrative and preventative medicines and practitioners who look at the human being as a whole to promote well-being for our mind, body and spirit so that we can age gracefully, be our best selves in the service of others of service and enjoy every stage of life for longer.

    We work with many people and businesses that can help along this part of your journey.

  • Wealth.

    We start our businesses for different reasons: to create a better income for ourselves, to create an asset that someone will buy someday, to create freedom and lifestyle choice, or to impact the world and leave it a better place. It could be that we desire all these things. 

    When growing our business wealth, we must know the 'why' behind our decisions to set our business and wealth creation on the right path. Is the primary motivation to build a business that provides an income, or is it to build equity and a saleable asset one day? 

    It matters how we approach those choices so that we can create and gain a return for the blood, sweat and tears that we have experienced as part of the journey of building a business.

    We are not financial planners or accountants. We guide our clients to make the best choice with clarity and alignment to their purpose to create true wealth at every stage of the business journey.

    One of the key elements when working with our clients is their desire to have a positive and sustained impact on society for the benefit of the next generation. This can be achieved through establishing a charitable foundation.  In the last century, charities were the domain of those who had "made it". After creating their businesses and wealth, successful entrepreneurs and business leaders wanted to give back. So, in their later years, they made a difference, leaving a legacy in alignment with their beliefs.

    In this century, we can start to contribute much earlier by paying it forward and creating our charitable contributions at every stage of our growth journey. The next generation of business owners get this and want to make a difference from the start.

  • Passion.

    Life is all about passion. We all have different passions that we seek to explore. It could be sport, the arts or seeking spiritual awareness. It could be travel and exploration of new cultures. What matters is that we are free to create what it is that gives us joy and connection.

    Business is a process and can become all-consuming to the detriment of balance and other joys in life.   Life is about enjoying it all.

     We work with our clients to create a navigational map for their business journey, giving confidence for decision making, perspective for the path ahead, and connection to a team of people and resources. This creates the time and space for passions to be explored, expanded and enjoyed.