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Earth is what keeps us grounded and centred while on our journey of discovery. At the core are our beliefs. 
Next is the culture we create, reflect and curate.
Then, it’s an appreciation of the people around us and their intrinsic value.

= Personal Value

As humans, we come into this world with a common set of beliefs that we are here to overcome. This is often referred to as the hero's journey, where we start with beliefs that we are not good enough, not valuable, not loveable, and not free.

We form beliefs at a very early age being between 0-7. We affirm them from 7-14 and solidify them from 14-21. It is from here the journey of self-discovery begins; we look to see how we can unbecome, what we are not.

It is this belief construct that business allows us to see in amplification, meaning when we learn and grow through the process of building a business, we grow as a person, and we see what is truly possible to create.

Belief. Culture. Personal Brand.

  • Belief

    By using the latest methodologies for what is often called personal growth, which is in fact personal unbecoming, we can release the limiting beliefs that we have created for ourselves. When these limiting beliefs are uncovered, we can change our perspective of the past, appreciate the present and create a new for our futures.

    Often a partner in business can also be a partner in life. In these circumstances, we can work with the individual as well as the couple to release any negative energy that sits within the relationship so that both can learn and grow together.

    The outcome of this work is a fully energised founder and partnership relationship where each person knows and appreciates their true value, they love themselves so much that it flows out into the hearts of others, and they feel free to create every day of their lives.

  • Culture

    When the owners/founders of a business have a solid belief construct that is positive on the whole, they are then able to create a cultural platform for growth. Culture is made up of an alignment to the business purpose, alignment to the values as well as clear agreements on how people want to work together from a behavioural perspective.

    When a business creates its culture book with clear agreements it is able to be a self-managed business and any negative behaviours that creep into business are removed. When a business is released from 'drama' it is fully energised to create every day.

    The outcomes for our clients are extraordinary as the owners are free from dealing with people issues on a daily basis, have a business that attracts the best quality people, and have effective onboarding and self-governing people management.

    While a good culture creates an energising place for everyone to work it also has significant financial returns as a business is able to attract better people at a better rate. By being free of drama, people are more productive, and when people are happy and content they stay longer resulting in an ongoing return on investment in training and development.

  • Personal Brand

    This is about appreciation of people’s value.

    Every person has intrinsic value that they have created as part of their life journey. Often however this value is locked away inside the person if the person can't see it for themselves. If they can't see it then they can't leverage it.

    We work with our clients to help them unlock the true value that sits inside each of their people. When the light is shown upon this value and people connect with this and can articulate it, a huge amount of positive energy is released inside a business.

    The ultimate outcome is that people can connect with their personal purpose, which then aligns with the business purpose which then creates an environment where people feel fulfilled, have a structure to guide their contribution and have meaning every day at work.