Earth is what keeps us grounded and centred while on our journey of discovery. At the core are our beliefs.
Next is the culture we create, reflect and curate.
Then, it’s an appreciation of the people around us and their intrinsic value.
= Personal Value
As humans, we come into this world with a common set of beliefs that we are here to overcome. This is often referred to as the hero's journey, where we start with beliefs that we are not good enough, not valuable, not loveable, and not free.
We form beliefs at a very early age being between 0-7. We affirm them from 7-14 and solidify them from 14-21. It is from here the journey of self-discovery begins; we look to see how we can unbecome, what we are not.
It is this belief construct that business allows us to see in amplification, meaning when we learn and grow through the process of building a business, we grow as a person, and we see what is truly possible to create.
Belief. Culture. Personal Brand.